Monday, April 26, 2010

Emotional overload

The last week has seen me dealing with some heavy emotions that have been very draining for me. I kind of feel that I am in the eye of the storm at the moment so can take a breath and reflect on how this is affecting my weight loss campaign.... I would have to say that it has been up and down.
My resolve is still there, my goals are clear and defined, however I can still feel the negative internal beast nagging at me that I can’t do it. I know I can, I just have to be diligent in tracking my food intake, making planned positive choices, and get moving again. My exercise has halted at the moment due to sickness of me and the kids, weather etc.
I know I have slipped this week and I can guarantee that this will show on the scales tomorrow. This is a danger point for me; a negative result can cause a 180 for me. I am choosing to forgive myself this week for whatever the scales say tomorrow; this has been an incredibly hard week for me, one which I haven’t had in my life before, and hope to never have again.
Mentally I am focusing on focusing if that makes sense, I have the fight of my life ahead of me... that is the fight to get from obese to healthy. I can only succeed if I stay completely focused. I tend to slip into mindless eating very easily if I am unfocused.
I read a quote in the WW magazine last week and I am not sure if I have said it before here, but it really has stuck with me for everything, not just weight loss;
So true!!!! Wish me luck for my weigh in tomorrow.


  1. I hope things get better. It sounds like whatever you're going through is really rough right now. Something profound I learned in the beginning of this particular journey was this; If we mess up, we automatically think about throwing in the towel, but it's just ONE bad choice and if we throw in the towel it will be more than one. If I make a mistake, then I try to turn it around the next meal. Treat each choice like a clean slate. :) Sounds so simple, but I didn't get it before. This has worked for me since I tend to beat myself up when I screw up....weapon of choice--food. Once I gave myself the freedom from perfection, it's been a lot easier to love myself. I know you can do it! :)

  2. Thanks Kim, I know what you mean. Its like when I stopped smoking... if I caved in and had one I would think "thats it you failed, game over", only when I changed this thought pattern did I succeed. I should really do the same here. You hit the nail on the head with freeing ourselves from perfection... that its perfect in itself. Have a great day!

  3. I hope you and your babies are feeling better. Was just thinking about you and wanted to check in to see if the "beast" is still rearing it's ugly head. Have a great day and remember to love yourself for exactly where you are. :)

  4. Hey Kim, yes the beast is well and truely in town... trying to evict it at the moment. Thanks for thinking of me, its nice to know that there really is a support community around.
