Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A loss is a loss

This week I have lost only 0.2kgs, but a loss is a loss. Today is a new day, a new start to the weight loss week (Tuesdays!) and an opportunity to put aside my disappointment for the other 0.8 I was hoping for. I know that I had other things happening last week that I felt prevented me from doing more work to get the extra weight off.... as clearly hoping for it alone isn’t going to do much, otherwise I will start to hope for a few million dollars as well!!!

There are changes happening emotionally and environmentally at the moment that are necessary, and there are more coming. The positive influences I need around me are paramount to my ability to stay on track... if I have constant negativity I tend to be lead back to the chocolate block for comfort. Its time for me to be selfish and sort out my life, bring on the fantastic!

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