Saturday, April 24, 2010

The return

The over crowded beach!!

My cousin & our kids playing

How beautiful is this? Well the reality is that I only enjoyed an hour of it on the last day as I was leaving :(

Sadly my trip was plagued by illness and rain. The first day was raining and the rest of the time there was vomiting, diarrhea and dizziness from various members of the family. However the 8 hour drive was all worth it to see my cousin Bonnie and her family.

This also meant that my grand plans for long walks with the kids in the pram were dashed. On the upside even though I didn’t track my food intake, I was in a household that is WW friendly and I enjoyed seeing how different salads and options were put together by Bonnie.... strange for me as anyone who knows me understands that I am a salad dodger from way back.

So I arrived home last night and have started back tracking my food intake today through Weight Watchers online.

I am hoping to feel less dizzy tomorrow and I am aiming for a walk around one of the local park circuits that finishes with the kids playing in the playground... seems to be something in it for everyone!

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