Thursday, April 29, 2010

Loving yourself

I have had this thought in my head for the last few days, well more of a memory of something my mum used to say to me. My mum... she is kind of 'special' in many ways, not many of them helpful to be honest, however a few gems have come my way which I will hold onto. She used to say "If you cant love yourself, dont expect anyone else to". I am not sure I really listened to her at the time, the teenager in me heard nothing helpful as she was talking about my potty mouth.

These word are almost haunting me at the moment. Do I infact love myself? I actually dont think that I do, I know I definitely like some things like my sense of humour (oh yes I even laugh at my own jokes), my ability to care, I like my openness and feeling of freedom that comes from knowing my own mind. But I definitely do not like what I see in the mirror, let alone love it... that, I think will come from hard work physically, emotionally and mentally.

Kim from signed off a comment to me with "Have a great day and remember to love yourself for exactly where you are. :) " which really hit home that it is one of the pieces of the puzzle that I will need to find to get to my goal, and kind of spooky that she mentioned the thing that I was struggling with over the last few days. Thanks for your kind words though Kim.

I need to write a few post it notes and put them around the house to keep certain things in focus, this will include from a previous post 'If nothing changes, nothing changes' and a few others. Another will be from a song that I randomly started singing to the kids yesterday... 'this little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine', I know its a churchy song, and as some of you know I am not religious, but I love gospel music.. go figure. Anyway, I think for me at the moment the song represents my spirit and the fact that I need to nurture it and allow it to grow and shine. I need to have some faith and belief in me.

I have been taking a few deep breaths and feeling good lately over simple things and just enjoying moments of clarity and beauty. Nature really is glorious and can provide so much that it is impossible to replicate, a beautiful beach, or flower, sun streaming through the clouds, perfect weather, moments of blissful quietness or stillness, amazing sunny perfect days.... all of which make me feel good about life, my life and the fact that it is important to stop and appreciate it all.

Goals for tomorrow... I need to make sure that before I go to lunch with the girls tomorrow I need to have done 1hr of cardio. I feel a Tae Bo session coming on! Try and fit in a half an hour alpha brainwave meditation before the kids get home from daycare.


  1. Pete - a post it for you - "a year from tomorrow you will wish you had started today". x

  2. I'm glad one of the lessons I've learned helped you out a little. I always thought losing weight was what I do to get to the point where I love myself, but the thing is, if we wait for the weight to come off and think somehow we'll magically love ourselves...we'll end up very disappointed. I did this when I was a teenager and even when my body was at an almost normal weight, I still thought I was so fat and ugly. I look back at those pics and wish I could tell that girl how beautiful she was. :) At my current body state it would be easy for me to hate myself. I could look at my mound of belly fat and how it hangs and be totally grossed out...but that belly hangs the way it does b/c of having my babies. My body made babies...beautiful ones. My stretchmarks and flabby belly are reminders of that. Even if I'd like to see my belly more toned, has served me well in important times. lol My legs are mishapen from a condition called lymphedema...I've never liked my legs. However, I'm so thankful to have my legs b/c there are people who have none. I's a stretch, but very true. See what I mean though? Every bit of us is worth loving. Loving ourselves will make us feel well worth taking care of. I wish you the best and post its are a great idea. Don't forget to pamper yourself too...that helps as well. Looking in the mirror and saying aloud what you like about your body helps and for me..taking pics when I'm dressed up helps as well. :) Take care.

  3. Just found your blog - I too am on the journey - you can read it here:

    Good luck and take it a day at a time

    Denise x
